This image is a woodcut illustration of a mung bean plant found in Petrus de Crescentius' "Ruralia Commoda." The image is found in Book 3 of the volume ("Agriculture of Cereals and Building of a Granary") in a section entitled "Of Fieldwork and its…
This image is an ink drawing of a pepper plant found in Bryan Edwards' "The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies." The illustration appears in Volume I-II.
A still life oil painting of various types of fruits resting on a stone ledge. Several of the fruits, including the pumpkin, are split open to show their seeds.
An image of chili peppers from the German translation of Leonhart Fuch's original De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes. The image was drawn by Albrecht Meyer and transferred to woodblocks by Heinrich Füllmaurer. The woodblocks were cut and…
An onion-seller hoists a pole over his right shoulder, from which hang four ropes of hard onions. This profession was common in London at the time this image was created.
Print showing various types of trees and shrubs, with a distant view of many ships in the harbor and of the city of Havana. Includes a numbered key showing: 1. The Cavanos; 2. The Morro; 3. Entrance of the Harbour; 4. The Punta; 5. Redoubts; 6.…
This book includes "the notable things of the heavens, the elements, metals, plants, animals ; and the rites, ceremonies, laws, government, and wars of the Indians" (p. xvii) in the west Indies.