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This is a reproduction of a drawing of Bixa Orellana by Salvador Rizo Blanco for Real Jardin Botanico: Dibujos de la Real Expedición Botánica del Nuevo Reino de Granada (1783-1816), directed by J.C. Mutis. One of the purposes of Mutis's project was…

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This source is a plant catalogue that displays the role of the bell pepper in the lives of the people of Jamaica and Spain.

Accounts from several different European explorers

Mrs. Holts Shop Card.jpg
Copy of a trade card by Hogarth for Mrs Holt's Italian Warehouse used for advertisement; Mercury talking to Florence, who sits with items of trade: a jar of oil, fan, hat, violin etc., men loading other items onto a ship at right, Rome in background;…

Within in an account of the people and environement of the island La Espanola, an Illustration showing four trees, labelled mamei, guaiaua, guanauana, and platano

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Natural history of various species

Indian Nectar: A Discourse on Chocolate pages 48 and 49
This book is a first-hand account by English Physician Henry Stubbe of the different methods of making chocolate and the uses of chocolate in South America in the 17th century.

The descriptions of plants, animals, resources, and people in the West Indies and Mexico, in Samuel de Champlain's journals from his voyages 1598-1601

This source is a later Italian edition (the original was published in 1544) of Pietro Andrea Mattioli's herbal, Di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbeo libri cinque della historia, et Materia Medicinale trodotti in lingua volgare Italiana.This 1555 edition…

Antonio Pigafetta, Malucca Islands Map, Beinecke Manuscript.jpg
Illustration of the Clove tree on a map of the Molucca Islands. The map originally appeared in the Beinecke manuscript with other illustrated maps of the Spice Islands.
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